Hello there. You have reached the website for members of the online support group called Release and Reclaim. This is a private, confidential forum connected to Journey Free: Recovery from Harmful Religion.
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Interested in knowing more?
Release and Reclaim is a support group for “Reclaimers” – folks who have given up their religious belief system and are reconstructing their lives. The group is confidential and focused on personal growth rather than bashing religion. There are 24 forum topics for discussion, moderated by helping professionals. Twice a month we have group meetings on Zoom where members share what they are going through and encourage each other. These sessions are facilitated by Dr. Marlene Winell or other professional “religious recovery consultant” who has personal experience with recovering from religious indoctrination. The website also provides readings and videos, personal stories from the members, and other resources.
Want to join?
You are welcome to begin the process with an application so we can make sure we are a good fit HERE. We do ask a subscription fee ranging from $20-$40 per month, with a free first month. That is, join us for a month to see how you like it, and be sure to attend a Zoom meeting. Then stay with us to make new friends who “get it,” who can help see you through a challenging time. (If you are truly strapped for cash, you can join for no charge).
Want to talk first?
You can also start with speaking to one of us at Journey Free. Go to the website, journeyfree.org and book a consultation to chat for 30 minutes. You can explain your situation and we’ll discuss the best way to help you at this time. (There is a $20 fee for this but it can apply to an individual appointment).
Our Statement of Purpose
“We are supporting each other to release old, harmful ideas and reclaim our lives. We are learning to trust ourselves instead of leaning on outside authority. Our community is fellow humans and our home is the world. Within this group we can safely explore.”